protecting tasmania’s magnificent east coast
The fight to protect Tasmania’s East Coast from a large scaled, inappropriate development is NOT over. We remain determined to continue opposing the Cambria Green Draft Amendment and the proposed rezoning of more than 3,100 hectares of land to facilitate a mega tourist development.
We need your help to ensure our campaign against the Cambria Green Specific Area Plan proposed rezoning is strong, professional and effective.
Our target
We need to raise a minimum of $35,000 to ensure the East Coast Alliance presents a powerful, informed and compelling case to the Tasmanian Planning Commission. Your contribution, small or large, will be critical to our success. Every donation will make a difference.
Why do we need to raise these funds?
We must be prepared to present a powerful, informed case to the Tasmanian Planning Commission. To do this, it’s critical we have the best possible advice and representation:
Our Planners will represent the East Coast Alliance at the Commission’s Directional Hearings in Swansea on 14 December.
They will then be required to appear on our behalf for up to 5 days (or more) at the Commission’s main hearings in 2019 (dates to be confirmed).
To further strengthen our case, our planners have advised we need to engage a number of other professionals with expertise in key fields relating to the Cambria Green proposal.
We may also require legal representation.
Please donate to protect the irreplaceable values of East Coast Tasmania.
Please note: while we are a not-for-profit incorporated association, the ECA does not have tax deductible status. All donations are processed securely via STRIPE.
Or you can direct deposit into our account:
East Coast Alliance Inc.
BSB: 633-000
Account #: 162936892
If you've made a direct deposit to donate to ECA, please send us a quick message via the Contact page to let us know. We want to say thank you! And we can ensure you receive future ECA updates.
Our supporters
We are enormously grateful for the pro bono support, financial contributions and expertise already provided by the following generous individuals and businesses:
Environmental Defenders Office Hobart
Sophie Underwood, Planning Matters Alliance Tasmania
Diane Bricknell, graphic design, website design
Michael Travalia, logo development
Peter McGlone and Jack Redpath, Tasmanian Conservation Trust
Matt, Catherine and Amy at Rummin Productions, video producers
Elizabeth Stroud, Discovery Learning
Helen Preston and Lucy Landon-Lane, Earth Ocean Network